Columbia, MD Certified Mediator
Van (pronounced “Vun”) became a certified mediator while in law school. As a court-appointed mediator, she has mediated everything from landlord tenant cases to contract disputes, to disputes between siblings regarding a parent’s last will and testament. Mediation can be a great way for parties to take control and resolve their issues without tying up time in the courts, especially in family law matters.
Although a strong believer in the mediation process, it has been Van’s experience that mediation may not be the ideal process to resolve the emotional and financial issues involved in almost every domestic/family law matter. Even when the parties think they have come to an agreement, the emotions are so highly charged that parties in family law matters eventually return to court because there were underlying issues that were left unresolved and/or critical facts which were not revealed during the mediation process.
Certified Mediator in Columbia
However, under the right circumstances, certain family law matters may be successfully mediated. To determine whether your desired interests and goals would be best achieved by mediation, collaboration, or litigation, contact us for a consultation. The Law Offices of Van T. Doan, LLC will assist you with their certified mediator.